Week 5: Functions, Tables and Project 1

Starting from now on, I will be putting both labs and discussions in one post to make it easier to find resources related to that specific week!


Discussion attendance, due to President’s day, will be optional this week. No vitamin question in discussion as well. However, make sure that you still complete it. This week, we will be working heavily with code. Even though, the exam will expect you to write code without being able to check with Jupyter Notebook, I created a demo to better internalize the functions and the motivations behind the questions in discussion.

Worksheet Slides Slides Annotated Solutions Jupyter Demo


We will be working on the project this week. No slides!

Corresponding Readings

Those readings are not required or necessary. However, if you feel that you want to brush up before coming to section or feel iffy about certain topics after discussion, you are encouraged to go through the readings.